Git Workflow

Use the Git Workflow

  1. Create a new file in the git_test folder called "gdsc.txt" with the command: touch gdsc.txt.

    # Create gdsc.txt using CLI
    touch gdsc.txt
  2. Check the status of your repository by typing git status in your terminal. The output shows that gdsc.txt is in red, indicating it is not staged.

    # Check the status of the repo using CLI
    git status
  3. Add gdsc.txt to the staging area using the command: git add gdsc.txt. This prepares the file for the commit.

    # Stage gdsc and check repo status again using CLI
    git add gdsc.txt
  4. Type git status again. The output now shows gdsc.txt in green, indicating it is in the staging area.

    # Check repo status again using CLI
    git status
  5. Make a commit with the message "Add gdsc.txt" using the command: git commit -m "Add gdsc.txt". Then, check the status once more. The output should indicate "nothing to commit, working tree clean."

    # Commit gdsc and check repo status again using CLI
    git commit -m "Add gdsc.txt"
    git status
  6. Check the commit history using git log:

    # Check repo commit history using CLI
    git log
  7. The message "Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 1 commit" indicates that your local branch has one more commit than the remote repository. This will be resolved when you push your changes.